Do Student Loans Need a Cosigner The Complete Guide

Do Student Loans Need a Cosigner? | The Complete Guide

Paying for college can be a daunting task, and student loans are often a necessary part of the equation. But did you know that, depending on the type of loan, you may need a cosigner? In this guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know about student loans and cosigners, including whether or not you need one, who can be a cosigner, and what to do if you don’t have one.

What is a Cosigner?

A cosigner is someone who agrees to take on the legal responsibility for repaying a loan if the primary borrower (i.e. the student) is unable to do so. This is often the case for students who are just starting out, as they may not have established credit or a steady income.

Do Student Loans Need a Cosigner?

The short answer is that it depends on the type of loan. Federal student loans, such as Stafford and Perkins loans, do not require a cosigner. However, private student loans often do require a cosigner, as they are based on creditworthiness.

Who Can Be a Cosigner?

A cosigner can be anyone who is willing and able to take on the responsibility of repaying the loan. This is often a parent, grandparent, or other relative, but it can also be a friend or even a non-relative. The important thing is that the cosigner has a good credit score and a steady income.

What to Do if You Don’t Have a Cosigner?

If you don’t have a cosigner, there are a few options available to you. One option is to apply for federal student loans, as they do not require a cosigner. Another option is to find a cosigner alternative, such as a creditworthy friend or family member who can act as a cosigner.

Alternatively, you can try to build your credit score before applying for a loan. This can be done by getting a credit card and using it responsibly, paying your bills on time, and keeping your debt levels low.


Student loans can be a necessary part of paying for college, but they can also be a source of stress and uncertainty. The need for a cosigner is one of the main concerns for students and their families, but by understanding the process and the options available, you can find the right solution for your situation. Remember that federal student loans do not require a cosigner, and if you don’t have one, you can try to find a cosigner alternative or work on building your credit score before applying for a loan.